Getting Started

This is an introductory short course to learn a technique based around the Coaching Wheel of Life to start reviewing the key areas of your life so you start to identify some of your goals and objectives.

Work-Life balance is key to finding the most fulfilling way you can lead your life. Most of us spend a third of our lives or more working, so it is important to find work you love, that you feel enthusiastic about what you do, and that links to what you believe is your real purpose and connects to your values and beliefs. 

By the end of this short course you will have:

  • Reviewed and evaluated key elements of your life using the Coaching Wheel of Life.
  • Reviewed and evaluated key elements of your life using the Coaching Wheel based on elements of your working life.
  • Reflect on key areas of your life and start to establish areas for personal growth.

You can take as long as you need to work through this short course although we recommend that you set aside an hour or so to work through the contents and use a journal or notepad to record your thoughts and reflections on the results of the activities as you work through them. 

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